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load-bearing strength中文是什么意思

用"load-bearing strength"造句"load-bearing strength"怎么读"load-bearing strength" in a sentence


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  • On september 11 this year , the twin towers of the world trade center in new york city completely collapsed just over one hour after fires raged in them upon the crash of two aeroplanes into them . it was reported that one of the causes of their collapse was the severe weakening of the load - bearing strength of the towers steel - based load - bearing structure under extreme heat
  • On september 11 this year , the twin towers of the world trade center in new york city completely collapsed just over one hour after fires raged in them upon the crash of two aeroplanes into them . it was reported that one of the causes of their collapse was the severe weakening of the load - bearing strength of the towers steel - based load - bearing structure under extreme heat
  • Madam president , on 11 september this year , the twin towers of the world trade center in new york city completely collapsed just over one hour after fires raged in them upon the crash of two aeroplanes into them . it was reported that one of the causes of their collapse was the severe weakening of the load - bearing strength of the towers steel - based load - bearing structure under extreme heat
用"load-bearing strength"造句  
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